In the tumultuous landscape of 2024, a year brimming with pivotal decisions and undercurrents of crisis, the dedicated team at Bruegel embarked on an ambitious venture, tackling pressing issues that resonate profoundly in the realm of economic policy.
Herein lie twelve highlights from our endeavors, encapsulated under the dynamic banner of #12daysofBruegel.
Our explorations traversed the intricate web of electricity markets, the nuances of defense strategies, and the complexities enveloping fiscal regulations. Engaging in a dialogue with the esteemed Mario Draghi was a defining moment, as we also welcomed the Spitzenkandidaten for discussions that sparked fresh insights. We delved deep into the implications of tariffs, electoral dynamics, and the expansive ambitions of EU enlargement. Culminating our reflections, we compiled a compendium of vital recommendations for the incoming leadership of the European Union in our pivotal publication, Unite, Defend, Grow.
As we gaze toward 2025, we brace ourselves for fresh challenges and innovative approaches aimed at refining economic policy. Don’t miss out on the unfolding journey—subscribe to our newsletter, Why Axis, and join us as we navigate the path ahead.